Hillel Stories

What’s happening on campus? Hear from students, professionals, and Hillel community members whose lives have been impacted by Hillel and who impact the world with their voices and stories. Share your story with us!

163 results

My First Shabbat in College

New beginnings can be scary. Whether you’re a wide-eyed first-year or a seasoned senior, stepping into the new school year can be filled with excitement…and a touch of uncertainty. I remember my first Shabbat of my first welcome week vividly—the mix of emotions, the anticipation of what was to come, and the warm feeling of being welcomed into a new community. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back (to school)!

Disabled and Jewish – and Proud

When I entered UCLA Hillel for the first time, I quite literally stumbled my way into the building. After getting progressively more lost on campus, I somehow ended up one block off campus in front of Hillel. But once there, I found both my community and my people.

How My Birthright Trip Gave Me Strength Post-October 7

I never thought I would go on a Birthright trip.  As someone who was born in Israel, speaks fluent Hebrew and visits his family there two or three times a year, I thought I knew everything there was to know about Israel. I started opening up to the idea after coming to college.

Einav Tsach