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Miami University is an exciting and safe place to explore being Jewish! Hillel is the central address for Jewish life on campus and in the community, a place where students feel at home, and a vital partner with the University. The University promotes an atmosphere of respect and understanding across the entire campus and works closely with us and the Oxford Interfaith Center. Miami's Jewish student population reaches 800-1000 and comes from different places, denominations, and backgrounds. Hillel promotes individual journeys of exploration and discovery. Our engaging student leaders and dedicated staff help connect hundreds of students throughout the academic year through a wide variety of programs, internships, cultural, educational, Israel and immersive experiences, and social justice initiatives. This vibrant community includes Hillel: Association of Jewish students (Hillel: AJS) registered student organization, Peer Network Engagement Internships, Hillel Leadership Intern program, TAMID (entrepreneurship program through the Farmer School of Business), Careers Cincinnati Summer Internship and Mentor Program, a Jewish Greek Council, Students for Israel at Miami and HawkPAC (AIPAC on campus), and a First Year Student Council. Hillel: AJS is one of the most active student organizations on campus and has been the recipient of the Program of the Year, Student Organization of the Year, and Diversity and Inclusion awards from Miami University's Office of Student Affairs. All students are encouraged to participate in as well as create and implement new initiatives and establish new Jewish groups on campus. Jewish students at Miami University are Building relationships, creating partnerships, exploring new opportunities, and becoming the leaders of tomorrow. Prospective students are invited to contact the staff of Hillel at Miami University to ask questions, chat about Jewish life on campus, and arrange for student-to-student conversations or hospitality during a campus visit. Students and families are welcome to stop by Hillel at any time. Check out our website at www.muhillel.org, like us on Facebook 黑料传送门: Miami University, and sign up for Hillel at Miami's Instagram.