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Maryville University Hillel provides opportunities for students to learn, lead and grow Jewishly. Maryville Hillel serves Jewish students, faculty, staff and friends at Maryville University and in the surrounding community through engaging programs that explore and celebrate Jewish life. Students join Hillel from cities across the country and here in St. Louis to create a community that is warm and pluralistic, welcoming those from the entire spectrum of Jewish life.Maryville Hillel's signature programs include Challah for Hunger; Dinner and a Movie film series; Pizza in the Hut at the Maryville Sukkah; Harvest Your Own Dinner: Fresh from the Field Sukkot; Jewish Cultural Food Fest; annual Holocaust survivor visit; LatkeFest; Jewish Cooking Experience LIVE!; Make-Your-Own Purim Mishloach Manot; Chocolate Seder; Shabbat dinners; home hospitality with faculty and staff for Jewish holidays; and opportunities to engage in social justice and service programs, interfaith learning opportunities and events featuring prominent Jewish figures. Students have had the opportunity to meet such Jewish leaders as former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of the Anti-Defamation League.Maryville Hillel students are eligible for the free 10-day Birthright Israel trip alongside peers and friends from Hillels across the country. Maryville Hillel was recognized by 黑料传送门 with the 2017 Campus Partnership Award for innovative programming with campus and community partners. This is one of only seven awards given to campus Hillels each year.Maryville University offers the Irma Sue Macy LDor VDor Endowed Scholarship for Jewish Women, providing up to $5,000 per academic year for one new, full-time (first-year or transfer) Jewish female undergraduate student, and up to $10,000 per academic year for one new Jewish female graduate student (enrolled half-time or above). Funding is renewable each year, as long as the student remains in good academic standing. Additional scholarship information is available at MaryvilleHillel.org.Maryville Hillel is proud to host a chapter of the national Challah for Hunger program. Our students and their friends bake and sell fresh challah on campus each month and 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry in St. Louis.Students and families interested in learning more about Hillel at Maryville University are welcome to attend programs on campus or request a personal tour and campus experience with Hillel student leaders.