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Beach Hillel's mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Beach Hillel student leaders, professionals and lay leaders are dedicated to creating a pluralistic, welcoming and inclusive environment for Jewish college students, where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually and socially. Hillel helps students pursue tzedek (social justice), tikkun olam (repairing the world) Jewish learning, support for Israel. Hillel is committed to excellence, innovation, accountability and results. VISION: HILLEL TO THE POWER OF'U' One big idea can change everything. Beach Hillel is one big idea- Hillel to the Power of U. Beach Hillel gives our students the power to choose and create. Over 100 programs a year. Free Friday Night Dinners every week. Tikkun Olam. Networking. Parties. Live concerts and movies. Original website, news and blogging. It's just not your parent's Hillel, its yours! BEACH HILLEL AT A GLANCE Over 1,000 young Jews are currently enrolled at the universities serviced by Beach Hillel, The Hillel of Greater Long Beach and West Orange County. Throughout their college years, Jewish students are confronted with seemingly limitless opportunities for personal growth and exploration. They grapple with choices that will shape their identity and define their future. Beach Hillel is ideally positioned to make a positive difference. When Israel is targeted on college campuses by radical groups, Hillel helps by educating students and advocating for Israel`s right to exist. We promote and support Birthright Israel, the Jewish college student experience in Israel. We advocate on behalf of Jewish students who feel afraid to speak up when anti-Zionist professors mix politics and teaching. We ensure that Jewish students have a 'home' on college campuses that are becoming intolerant of Israel and Zionism. For more information about Beach Hillel, please contact Beach Hillel Director ChayaLeah Sufrin at (562) 426-7601 x1424 or send an email to clsufrin@beachhillel.org.This Hillel serves: Long Beach City College; Cypress College; Cerritos College; California State University, Long Beach; El Camino Community College