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Our vision is a world in which Jewish college students find supportive community, self-confidence, happiness, and a meaningful Jewish connection as a rite of passage. Hunter Hillel is for every Jew, of every color, from every country, of every sexual orientation, speaking every language, and studying every subject. At Hunter Hillel students forge significant friendships, meet dedicated mentors, have the opportunity to celebrate the Jewish calendar and engage in Jewish learning. Time spent at Hunter Hillel gives students experiences and exposure to a community of friends and mentors. The culture of this environment provides our students the room they need to explore life, find meaning, and develop a sense of purpose. Culture: /Jewish friends. Asking big questions in the context of community is a powerful experience. Exploring what being Jewish means and could mean to us is best done in partnership with others./Mentorship. College is a time of reckoning. Who do we want to be? What do we want to do with our lives? Were here to be with you as you figure that out, and to provide spirit fingers as needed. /Diversity. For many of us, college is the only venue in which we will have the time, space, and resources to interact with people of radically different backgrounds from our own. Jewish community looks and feels differently for everyoneand we want to be able to share that with one another. /Shared Narrative. One of the most exciting parts of being Jewish means that we get to have a stake in the next chapter of our peoples narrative. Together, well engage with big questions and see what Jewish text and practice can offer us in navigating our everyday lives. /The Jewish calendar. Anchoring us in a unique way of life, the calendar tells the story of the Jewish people through collective experience and ritual. We pay attention to our calendar and use it to mark milestones, world changes, and joyful experiences! /Service. Our tradition beseeches us to lead with love, serve others, and make our impact on our world. Whether it be through communal leadership, social action work, or religious practice, we focus on service together.This Hillel serves: Hunter College; Lehman College; Marymount Manhattan College; Silberman School of Social Work