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In the spring of 2002, through the efforts of a group of dedicated students, the Bowdoin Jewish Organization, which was established over 36 years ago, changed its name to the Bowdoin Hillel and secured affiliation with the national Hillel, "The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life." The Bowdoin College Hillel continues to grow, serving the Bowdoin community as a "student-run organization devoted to fostering Jewish life on campus through religious, cultural and social programs." Recent improvements include the establishment of the Leah and Samuel Osher Hillel Fund, an endowment to assure the financial means necessary to provide Jewish intellectual, cultural and spiritual resources for generations of Bowdoin students to come. In the fall of 2003, the Hillel received a gift of a Torah, and in the fall of 2004, a new ark and mantle were dedicated during High Holiday services. In 2003, the Bowdoin Hillel hired Cantor Daniel Leeman, the new spirtual leader of Temple Beth Israel of Bath, ME as its first Hillel Staff Advisor. Cantor Leeman is available on on part-time basis, along with two faculty advisors, to advise members of Bowdoin Hillel on programs and activities and to support the spiritual and cultural needs of Jewish students at Bowdoin. The Hillel offers a wide-ranging schedule of Jewish activities on an otherwise very hectic and secular campus. This includes an extensive Rabbi-led service schedule for the High Holidays on campus (Reform), Shabbat dinners, Sukkah building, club-wide Chinese-food buffet dinners, holiday parties, Jewish movie nights, speakers, and many other events. In affiliation with local synagogues in Bath and Portland (Reform and Conservative, respectively), students teach Hebrew School, tutor B`nai Mitzvah candidates, and participate in community services within the Mid-Coast Maine and Greater Portland areas. The Hillel and the Harry Spindel Memorial Lectureship also brings a variety of speakers to Bowdoin each year on Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish affairs.