Two-Line Torah: Devarim 5776–Collaboration
Parashat Devarim recalls the journey in Exodus that brought the Jewish people to Mount Sinai and caused them to wander the desert for 40 years.
When discussing the issue of judges, Moses admits to the people that “I cannot carry you alone” (). Previously, his father-in-law had pushed him to appoint many Judges so he did not hear the entire nation’s problems by himself.
We all try to carry our burdens alone. Sometimes we worry that asking for help is a sign of weakness, other times we are so overwhelmed with our to-do list that we don’t even know how to ask.
It is our job as Hillel professionals to not only help our students when they cannot ask for help themselves, but also to model collaboration. We must support each other, help each other, because together we accomplish so much more.
is Rabbinic Intern at University of Rhode Island Hillel.
When discussing the issue of judges, Moses admits to the people that “I cannot carry you alone” (). Previously, his father-in-law had pushed him to appoint many Judges so he did not hear the entire nation’s problems by himself.
We all try to carry our burdens alone. Sometimes we worry that asking for help is a sign of weakness, other times we are so overwhelmed with our to-do list that we don’t even know how to ask.
It is our job as Hillel professionals to not only help our students when they cannot ask for help themselves, but also to model collaboration. We must support each other, help each other, because together we accomplish so much more.
is Rabbinic Intern at University of Rhode Island Hillel.