
Jewish and non-Jewish students have traveled to Israel on Hillel-led trips in the past 10 years.

Israel is at the heart of Hillel’s work. Our goal is to inspire every Jewish college student to develop a meaningful and enduring relationship to Israel and to Israelis. Whether they want to engage in deep dialogue or explore the land of Israel in all its beauty and complexity, we enable students to share a rich and nuanced connection to Israel and to each other as a people.

Israel Engagement and Programs

Hillel Birthright Israel

Through Taglit-Birthright Israel and follow-through activities, along with our Masa Israel Journey internship initiative, Hillel encourages and enables thousands of students to travel to Israel every year. Through additional partnerships, Hillel supports students’ return trips to Israel.

Israel to Campus

Jewish Agency Israel Fellows to Hillel serve more than 75 North American campuses, cultivating relationships with approximately 20,000 Jewish and non-Jewish students, and creating opportunities for interactions with Israel college graduates.

Teaching & Training

Hillel teaches Israeli culture, history, and current events to Hillel professionals, and trains them to use these in conversation with students, and in programming and events on campus.  

Through expert-led education and partnerships with organizations like Resetting the Table, Hillel provides opportunities and models for students to engage in dialogue across difference in a safe and respectful environment.