
Two-Line Torah: Passover I–Exile and Redemption



April 18, 2016

The teaches that Egypt can happen to anyone at any moment, God forbid.  The darkness of exile, of feeling unloved, unknown, and unable to be helped.  This is true exile.

Redemption, alternatively, can also be experienced in our daily lives.  The joy of fellowship, the sheer pleasure of knowing we are loved, and the contentment of being valued are some of the hallmarks of redemption.

Exodus is the long march to freedom—the struggle to lift ourselves and each other from exile to redemption, from darkness to light, from loneliness to community.

On our campus, we all have times when we struggle with exile—professionals, students, community members—all of us.  Part of the human condition is the mixture of darkness and light.  Yet, some feel the pain of exile far more acutely and more often than others.

This Pesach may we be strengthened to help each other overcome the pangs of exile.

This Pesach may we be continue our ancient march to redemption, together.

is Associate Chaplain for Jewish Life at Elon University.